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We recently had a close relative move. Her move was a BIG move from a 4200 sq ft home filled with furniture and decades of memories. She opted to hire movers to help her, professional movers, but still faced many challenges. So we thought we would provide you with some must ask questions when hiring a moving company:

Will you come to my home and provide me with a quote?

  • This is important. In order to get a realistic quote there should be a representative come from the company to walk through your home and gain a clear understanding of the scope of work.

How many movers will I be paying per hour? Is there a hourly rate for the truck as well?

  • Many companies send multiple movers to complete a job. So make sure you know how many are arriving and be sure to ask about the truck cost.

What size is the truck?

  • This is soooo important. If you are paying hourly rate for movers and a truck the size of the truck matters. Make sure the moving company you have hired has a large truck that should be able to do your move all in one (maybe two) loads. This will cut down on cost in a big way.

What is included in your services?

  • Every mover is different and we have seen exceptional ones and some not so great ones. Some movers (the really good ones) will bring wardrobe boxes for you and pack up your closets (saving you time!). Many should wrap your furniture in plastic or blankets to avoid any scuffs or damage and it is common for your mattresses to be wrapped in large mattress bags. Make sure to find out what your mover will be providing and what you are expected to provide.
  • Also, some movers will completely pack your home while others may not have any packing experience. Be sure to know what you want and have a clear understanding of what you are paying for.

Will you be notified of extra charges before they are charged (over and above the original quoted amount)?

  • Sometimes a moving company will provide a quote and then you are hit with a bill that is nowhere near the cost you were expecting. Make sure to ask to be notified if the scope of work is larger or going to take longer than originally expected. You don’t want to be blind sided with a huge bill at the end of the day.

Does the moving company have insurance?

  • You want to make sure you hire a company with insurance. If anything breaks or is damaged – this should be covered under their insurance.

Asking these simple questions when interviewing different moving companies will help you decide who is the best candidate for the job. Moving can be such an overwhelming experience and having professionals there to help can make the day go by much smoother.


  • Who’s hungry? Who doesn’t order pizza on moving day? It is a pretty go to item when people are moving. Be sure to order a little extra for your movers – they will be so appreciative of the gesture (and save you on hourly rate if they don’t have to leave for a meal).
  • Give direction! The best moves are the ones where everyone knows where things go. So be present at the new home to direct the movers on where to put your items.
  • Do you tip? Tipping is customary, especially if you were blown away with their work. The industry standard is 5% so if your move cost you $1000 aim for an extra $50. If you had 3 movers then $17 – $20 each would be sufficient. If you were really impressed, feel free to give them more!